воскресенье, 27 мая 2012 г.

blinders Einstein

As noted in the article published in it, the renowned Australian astrophysicist John Webb and his students analyze the transmission of light through the distant galaxies formed metal compounds cosmic clouds showed that deemed to be a constant in modern science - the number of alpha - is not such. It may be more or less depending on what point of the space is its calculation of.

The fine structure constant / alpha / defines the electromagnetic interaction and is considered by modern physics unchanging and firm, the underlying scientific understanding of the universe. However, the work of John Webb has shown that it is not so, says ' New Scientist ' ...

In fact, it is said in this post is half-. Einstein's theory were refuted and refuted as soon as he created it. But these denials ... But it is better to call a specialist in. A. Atsyukovsky, very appropriate in connection with this sensation. Speaking about the obstacles in the field of physics, says Vladimir Akimovich.

blinders Einstein.

... It's special theory of relativity. However, General Relativity, created by the same genius later, just as adamant that the presence of ether in nature, as the author of the two halves of one of these theories, and he himself says in his scientific writings. And now everyone can read about it in Russian (see. A. Einstein. Collected. Nauchn. mp. M. : Science, 1965, 1966. T. 1,. 145-146, with. 689, and m. 2,. 160 ).

Ah, so this theory of relativity! . The theory of relativity gave rise to such fundamental as modern cosmology, relativistic astrophysics, gravitation theory, relativistic electrodynamics, and other. And now the theory of relativity, Einstein became a benchmark for the correctness of any of the other theories: they must comply with the provisions of the Theory of Relativity and in any case it does not conflict with. This was in 1964, it was even adopted a special resolution of the USSR Academy of Sciences: any criticism of Einstein's Theory of Relativity equated with invention of perpetual motion, the authors explain their error, and to press criticism of the theory of relativity does not allow. Because it is unscientific.

The theory of relativity has created a new form of thinking: the seemingly obvious truths ... Revolutionized the thinking of physicists, theory of relativity introduced the first ...

Physical processes were a manifestation of the properties of space-time. The space is curved, time slows down. However, unfortunately, it turns out that the curvature of space-time itself can not be measured, but this did not bother because it is possible to calculate the curvature.

Around the Theory of Relativity and its author, Albert Einstein created the legend.

Doubting the validity of any particular, the theory generally explain that the theory is too complicated for them and that it is best to leave your doubts to yourself. Criticism of Theories equivalent to attempts to create a perpetual motion machine, and serious scholars do not consider. Nevertheless, the voices of doubters do not cease. Among the doubters are many applied researchers, accustomed to deal with the visual processes. Before the practical problems of applied scientists there, and before addressing them, an applied should provide a mechanism for the phenomena: how else they can begin to look for solutions? .

So what is the theory of relativity?.

The theory of relativity is composed of two parts - the Special Theory of Relativity - STR, considering relativistic effects, t. e. phenomena that appear during the motion of bodies with velocities close to the speed of light, and the general theory of relativity - GTR, the provisions of the SRT to the gravitational effects. At the heart of both the one and the other postulates lie - position to be taken for granted, for granted. In geometry, such provisions are called axioms.

The base stations are five postulates, and not two as claimed by proponents of the theory and general relativity at the base of the five added five more.

The first postulate of SR is the situation in the absence of the nature of the ether. Because, as Einstein quipped, ... Why not? . Hence, we can not.

The second postulate is the so- called ... This postulate would have been impossible if the ether existed: it was necessary to consider the processes associated with the motion of bodies relative to the ether. And since there is no ether, then there is nothing to be considered.

The third postulate is the principle of the constancy of the speed of light, which, as stated in this claim does not depend on the speed of light. This may be to believe, because the light being a wave or a vortex structure that can move with his speed of light is not relative to the source, but only relative to the ether, in which he is currently. But the conclusions from this situation will have different.

The fourth postulate is the invariance (invariance ) of the interval, consisting of four components - the three spatial coordinates and time, multiplied by the speed of light. Why is the speed of light? . Postulate!.

The fifth postulate is a ... Why is the light signal, not sound, not a mechanical movement, not telepathy, finally? . Postulate!.

These are the tenets of.

The general theory of relativity - GTR adds to these postulates five, of which the first in the top five and sixth overall in the queue extends all previous postulates for gravitational phenomena that can be immediately refuted, since the phenomena discussed above, the light, ie electromagnetic. Gravity is a completely different phenomenon, not electromagnetic, not having to do with electromagnetism. Therefore, such an extension should be such as to justify the postulates that there. But it is not justified because there is no need, because it is a postulate!.

The seventh postulate is that the properties of rods and clocks are determined by the gravitational field. Why are they so determined? .

The eighth tenet is that all systems of equations in the covariant coordinate transformations, t. e. converted to the same. The rationale is the same as in the previous paragraph.

Ninth pleases us to postulate that the speed of gravity equals the speed of light. Justification see it in the previous two paragraphs.

The tenth is the postulate says that space is ... Einstein realized this in 1920, and reiterated his vision on this issue in 1924godu. It is clear that if general relativity is not endowed the space of physical properties, and in the nature of the ether would not be. But once gave - has a right to be, despite the fact that the station does not broadcast and it 's right to exist, he did not work (see. Postulate number 1).

That's it! .

One hundred years without confirmation.

Incidentally, all the great mathematical discoveries of Einstein on the dependence of body mass, its length, time, energy, momentum, and much more on the speed of the body they are derived based on the so -called ... The subtlety here is that these same Lorentz transformations are derived as early as 1904, that is, a year before the establishment of the SRT. And they deduced from the Lorentz concept of existence in the nature of the fixed space of ether, which strongly contradicts all the postulates of SRT.

The logic of the SRT delights. If the station the foundation of all reasoning puts the speed of light, then move through all of their arguments through the mathematical mill, it receives, first, that all phenomena depend on it that the speed of light, and secondly, that this is the speed limit is. This is a very wise, because if the station laid the foundation not the speed of light, and the rate hikes in the boy's Wasi, it is the speed of his movements and would be connected to all the physical phenomena around the world. But the boy still, probably, nothing to do with. And the speed of light with it?.

And the basis of the logic of general relativity posited that the masses have gravity, bend space, because they make the gravitational potential. This potential distorts the space. A curved space causes the mass to be attracted. Myunghauzen Baron, who once pulled his hair, along with a horse out of the swamp was probably a teacher of the great physicist.

And it is absolutely wonderful things in the Theory of Relativity with experimental evidence, which had to understand in detail what visitors can read the book the author's ... Univ MPI, 1990) or the second edition of ... Zhukovsky, the publishing house ... Carefully having studied all the available primary sources, the author discovered to their amazement, that there never was any experimental evidence of any station or GR. They either take credit for what they do not belong, or are the direct manipulation of facts. As an illustration, the first statement may result in the same Lorentz transformation, which are described above. It is also possible to refer to the principle of equivalence of gravitational and inertial mass. For classical physics from its very birth have always considered them to be equivalent. The theory of relativity with the brilliance proved the same thing, but the result is assigned a.

And as the second assertion, we can recall the work of Michelson, Morley (1905) and Miller (1921-1925) who discovered ether wind, and published their results ( Michelson, however, did it not once, but in 1929. ), But the relativists as they would not have noticed. They did not recognize them, you never know who's what he measured! .

You can remember about how the processed results of measurements of the angles of deviation of light rays from stars during a solar eclipse: selected from all possible extrapolation of the way, who better to give the expected result for the Einstein. Because if we extrapolate the usual way, the result will be much closer to the Newtonian. And why, if they did a good match, especially if we take into account what is beneficial and not take what is not profitable.

Today, there is the world's more reactionary and false theory than Einstein's Theory of Relativity. It is barren and can not give anything applied scientists who need to solve the pressing problems. Its followers are not shy of anything, including the use of administrative measures against their opponents. But the time allotted to the history of this ... Dam of relativism, erected n the development of natural science stakeholders, cracking under the pressure of facts and new applications, and it inevitably collapses. Einstein's relativity theory is doomed and will be discarded in a landfill in the near future ...


If I understand correctly, Mr Akimovich started writing about it 20 years ago (previously not allowed, and then it became possible to publish at least at their own expense ) and we are told - a sensation! .


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